Category innovation

AI: Ask AI to Edit Your Photos

Tired of trying different photo editing apps to find the perfect one? Discover how easy it is to ask AI to edit your photos with simple commands. ??????? No more complicated editing tools! Say hello to a faster and more…

rabbit r1: all the news till now

The Rabbit R1 is a $199 AI-powered device in the tech gadget world. ??????? Many are puzzled by its misidentifications and buggy behavior. It struggles with basic tasks like ordering food or playing music, and has even mistaken a Dorito…

Essential AI Skills for New AI-Created Jobs

Welcome to the exciting world of AI-created jobs! As artificial intelligence continues to transform industries and create new opportunities, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the right AI skills to thrive in this evolving job market. ??????? The rise of…

Top 10 Emerging Technologies in 2024

emerging technologies

The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and 2024 is expected to see significant advancements in various fields. Here are 10 emerging technologies that are poised to make a big impact this year: ??????? Emerging Technologies Generative AI as Emerging Technologies…