Category tech

WormGPT: Hackers’ New Way of Phishing You


ChatGPT, released in November 2022, created buzz for being a highly interactive AI. It can interact with the user and assist in several ways and work with users of different fields. ChatGPT has only expanded its usage and requirement since…

6 Lesser Known Uses Of Android Smartphones

hidden features in android smartphones

For all us Android users there are still many features in our smartphones that we’re obvilious of or don’t use enough. Here are the 6 lesser known uses of android smartphones. This article lists 5 features that might be useful…

Mojo: The New AI Magic Programming Language

mojo programming language for AI

Things are about to shake up in the Tech Industry even more, welcome the new AI programming language, Mojo . ??????? Python ranks high as one of the most popular programming languages due to its ability to create complex applications…